Welcome to UCL openEHR Explorer Website


openEHR Explorer is an open-source application to query openEHR CDRs, targeted at developers working in a clinical context. Previously, developers did not have a standardised method of querying, and openEHR Explorer was created to solve the problem. openEHR Explorer is able to query multiple CDRs concurrently with a single AQL query and federate their results into a table.

Key Features

  • Login system to accomodate multiple users with different lists of CDRs.
  • Supports authentication of CDRs from multiple vendors.
  • One AQL to query one or more CDRs at once and federate results into a table.

Demonstration Video

The video can be found at: https://youtu.be/jmtJvnSaQUg

Team Members

Team Leader, Back-end Developer, Client Liason.


Front-end Developer, Deputy Leader, Research.


Secondary Front-end Developer, Editor, UI Design.
